Booking Appointments

First time clients, start here:

30 minutes, no cost

Let's get to know one another! Please arrive prepared to talk about what support you need or what you'd like to improve. This is the first step no matter which of my offerings you're curious about.

Returning clients:

90 minutes, + Test, $875

Using your DNA results from The DNA Company, we will make a lifestyle plan to help you overcome health challenges, life challenges, and increase your wellness and healthspan.

The test will be shipped from The DNA Company, and you should receive results in about 4 weeks from the time you send back your test. Please schedule the appointment for 6 weeks from the time of purchase.

Includes a DNA 360 test, 60 minute zoom consultation, and a 30 minute follow-up one month later, plus preparation time.

Using your DNA results from The DNA Company, 23andMe, or elsewhere, we will make a lifestyle plan to help you overcome health challenges, life challenges, and increase your wellness and healthspan.

Includes a 60 minute zoom consultation and a 30 minute follow-up one month later, plus preparation time.

60 minutes, $175

A 60-minute coaching call dedicated to supporting your grief process. This session does not include the prep time included in a Breakthrough or a 6 month coaching program.

90 minutes, $350

Please send any new lab results (if applicable) prior to the appointment. We will discuss your symptoms, test results, lifestyle changes, supplements and herbs (if applicable).

Includes a 60 minute zoom consultation and a 30 minute follow-up one month later, plus preparation time.

60 minutes dedicated to your life transition or something you wish to transform about your life, and all of the feelings and challenges that go along with it. This session does not include the prep time included in a Breakthrough or a 6 month coaching program.


180 minutes, $525 

A 3 hour problem-focused session designed to make clear patterns that have been holding you back.


180 minutes, $525 

A 3 hour, content-free trauma-conscious session designed to unlink emotions so you can let go of the weight of the past and be fully present in the now.

© Dr. Tracey Steady Hardcastle

Instagram @drsteadyhardcastle